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Richmond Battlefields Association

Richmond Battlefields Association (RBA), a volunteer-driven 501(c)3 nonprofit, is preserving Civil War battlefields around Richmond, Virginia. We protect these historic sites through purchases, donations, and conservation easements. Urgent action is needed. These battlefields are rapidly disappearing. Join RBA today to become a steward of this vital heritage. Help us ensure that future generations can experience and learn from these irreplaceable pieces of American history.


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RBA Preservation Victories:

“Richmond was more than the capital of the Confederacy—it was the place where both United States and Confederate soldiers fought throughout the entire war. We might think of Richmond as the Normandy of the United States, for over 40 percent of the men who died in the Civil War died within 150 miles of Richmond. This is a place for the entire nation.”

- Edward L. Ayers, Richmond Times-Dispatch

In a decade, all of Richmond's Civil War sites will be protected -- or obliterated! - Richmond Style Weekly

The Richmond Battlefields Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Your contributions may be deductible as provided in 26 USC Sec 170.

Griffins Woods

Masthead: Battle of Gaines Mill Valley of the Chickahominy (NARA 530495).

Left: The miller's house at Fussell's Mill (2nd Deep Bottom).

Above: RBA Annual Meeting & Tour, Griffin's Woods at Gaines' Mill (Nov 2019).


On Richmond's Front Line
** December 2023 (pdf file) **

Back Issues


Phone: (804) 496-1862

Email: 1862rba@gmail.com

Mailing Address:
Richmond Battlefields Association
PO Box 13945
Richmond VA 23225


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